Self Adjusting Agnew Grain Spreader – Patented

No adjustment required for varying grain flows
No need to center the grain flow for even spreading
Handles 200 –15,000 bushels per hour (depending on model)
It hangs from the bin opening. The grain spread is ideal for bin diameters of 24’ to 48’.
Rated for grains that are 50-60 pounds per bushel

U.S. Patent No. 11,697,561
U.S. Patent No. 10,889,455
U.S. Patent No. 11,279,572
U.S. Patent No. 11,511,953


AG50SA: No adjustment required for varying grain flows. No need to center the grain flow for even spreading. Handles 200 – 5000 bushels per hour. Hangs in the top bin opening and spreads grain in 28’ to 48’ bins. Can be used with an auger or is ideal for dryer bin set ups with low fill rates.
Price: $1500

AG150SA: The AG150SA is self-adjusting. No adjustment required for varying grain flows and no need to center the grain flow for even spreading. Handles 400 – 15,000 bushels per hour. It hangs from the bin opening. The grain spread is ideal for bin diameters of 24’ to 48’.
Price: $2100


The new, self-adjusting grain spreader revolutionizes gravity grain spreaders by eliminating the challenges of variable grain delivery rates and centering. This model fits in any diameter of bin and handles grain flow rates as low as 400 bushels per hour up to 15,000 bushels per hour (depending on model) and can be used with augers, conveyers, air or leg systems. The spreader mounts to the opening of the bin with three hooks and weighs approximately 100 pounds. The self-adjusting grain spreader frees the operator of any manual setting changes. U.S. Patent No. 11,697,561 U.S. Patent No. 10,889,455 U.S. Patent No. 11,279,572 U.S. Patent No. 11,511,953 Agnew Self Adjusting Grain Spreader Assembly and Installation Instructions

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