Agnew Grain Spreader

The Agnew Grain Spreader maintains the quality of the grain by eliminating the center cone, avoiding over drying the outside ring and allowing the inside to dry quicker.


AG50L: The AG50L designed for low flow (6-10 inch auger) and bins 24 feet to 48 feet in diameter, specially made to accommodate bins with continuous flow grain dryers.

AG100XL: AG100XL: The AG100XL designed for large capacity augers (10 – 16 inch) and bins 24 to 48 feet in diameter.



The Agnew Grain Spreader attaches to the top opening of the bin. We have various sizes available depending on the size of the bin and can accommodate bines up to 48 feet in diameter. As grain is augered into the bin, the spreader separates the grain into eight equal piles, thus eliminating the center cone.

The Agnew Grain Spreader reduces aeration costs by approximately 20 per cent and allows the grain to be spread evenly over the entire bin floor. Fines and chaff are distributed evenly and cooling happens more efficiently. The process is done as the grain enters the bin – saving time, labor, and money.

Click here for Agnew Grain Spreader Assembly and Installation Instructions

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